Frontiers in Colorectal and Intestinal Disease 2023
Frontiers 2023 took place November 8-10th 2023
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November 8-10th 2023
This is a 3–day event. You are invited to join either face-to-face, online or both.
For ticket pricing please click here or scroll down for further information

- Face-to-face: Glaziers Hall, 9 Montague Close, London Bridge, London SE1 9DD, UK
- Online: SaySo Medical Platform
It is my pleasure and privilege as Dean of St Mark’s Academic Institute to welcome you to London to our 21st Annual Frontiers in Colorectal and Intestinal Disease. This year the spotlight is on colorectal cancer. We look forward to welcoming a face-to-face audience to the magnificent Glaziers Hall, 9 Montague Place, London Bridge, London, SE1 9DD.
In addition, we are delighted to welcome our online audience from around the world. We will be making full use of high quality audio visual facilities to give our audience an excellent experience, whether you are with us in person, or joining us from elsewhere in the world.
The Congress will cover a broad range of topics, all of which are multidisciplinary, and encompass real issues that we deal with day-to-day in our clinics, presented by leading experts.
We will also present cutting edge research, and are honoured to have James East (UK) as our Sir Francis Avery Jones Visiting Professor, Eloy Espín Basany (Spain) as our Sir Alan Parks Visiting Professor, Rodrigo Perez (Brazil) delivering the Professor John Lennard-Jones State of the Art Lecture and Andrea Cercek (USA), who will be delivering the Basil Morson State of the Art Lecture.
We will combine medical, endoscopic, radiological, oncological, surgical, nursing and nutritional expertise throughout the programme, and also ensure that our patients’ voice is loudly heard.
The Congress is organised into a number of plenary sessions:
On Wednesday, we have sessions focusing on emergencies in colorectal cancer management, screening and diagnosis of colorectal neoplasia, endoscopic and surgical approaches to managing colorectal neoplasia, and the science of prehabilitation.
On Thursday, we will start with hearing the patients’ voice expressing their perspective on what is successful cancer treatment. This will be followed by how to best manage right-sided colorectal cancer, sessions on frontiers in colorectal cancer imaging, macro-management of colorectal cancer (is centralisation the solution?), cancer genetics and the role of immunotherapy.
Also on Thursday, we have a parallel meeting for inflammatory bowel disease, with sessions on ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and an afternoon dedicated to developing and delivering consistent models of care for monitoring patients, diet and IBD, and mental health issues in IBD patients.
On Friday, we will look at rectal cancer management, rare and complex cancers and the aftermath of colorectal cancer and its treatment.
We conclude our symposium with an interactive informal session with all the leading lights coming together for what should be an enlightening and entertaining discussion in ‘Have I got views for you’.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all sponsors for their support and contribution to this Congress.
We hope that you will find the next few days interesting, stimulating, educational and, at times, controversial.
We wish you an enjoyable time in London for the 21st Meeting of the Frontiers Congress.

Professor Ailsa Hart, Dean
See the programme here

Parallel IBD Programme
This meeting will take place from 9:00-17:00 Thursday 9th November in the Court Room of Glaziers Hall.
See the IBD programme here

On Thursday there is a choice between attending the IBD or Colorectal Cancer meeting. Please choose your preferred option when purchasing an in-person ticket for Thursday.

Face-to-Face Tickets:

Face-to-face benefits include:
- Additional small group sessions separate from the plenary session with a deep-dive into key topics with expert members of the multidisciplinary team
- Automatic access to the full event online and 1-year access to on-demand content
Prices mentioned above include 30% discount for members of professional association e.g. BSG, ACPGBI etc.
NOTE: For event ticket sales, SaySo Medical is acting as an agent for St. Marks Hospital Foundation
Online Tickets:

Note: Free online-only tickets include access to on-demand content for 24 hours from the date this becomes available. Please purchase the on-demand ticket for a 1-year access pass.
For any enquiries please contact stmarks.team@sayso.health
Thank you to our sponsors

* No input into the agenda, content or speakers.
AstraZeneca has provided sponsorship towards this independent Programme. AstraZeneca has had no editorial input into or control over the agenda, content development or choice of speakers, nor opportunity to influence, except for the AstraZeneca sponsored symposia presentations.
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