Advanced Coloproctology Course 2022
This course has been accredited by ACPGBI for 10 CPD points.
Welcome to the 2022 Advanced Coloproctology Course (ACC 2022), the flagship educational course of the ACPGBI. We are excited to deliver this course as a live virtual event production that will be available to view on-demand.
The course has been running successfully for almost 30 years and it has the underlying ethos of delivering a concise summary of everything colorectal trainees need to know to pass the final FRCS as well as practical tips and updates of clinical issues consultant surgeons will likely meet in their regular practice. This maintains and improves the clinical practice of the busy surgeon.
The format includes short presentations by a well-chosen faculty who know their topics well and present fluently. In addition, there is a generous amount of time for each of the presentations to be discussed on a practical basis with audience engagement and interrogation of the panel of speakers. A recurring component is the opportunity for the trainees in the audience to participate in mock vivas with real time feedback.
In view of the expense of this format, we are very grateful for the support from our industry sponsors. I would strongly urge you to show your appreciation by engaging with as many as you can, both during the course and after.
The virtual format has the additional advantage of opening the course up to a larger audience. We hope that those who join and have never attended before will appreciate the quality and value of what we will present and consider attending again in the future.
In the meantime, enjoy the course!
Pete Sagar,
ACPGBI President
See the full course programme and abstracts here
AstraZeneca has provided a sponsorship grant towards this independent Programme. AstraZeneca has had no editorial input into or control over the agenda, content development or choice of speakers, except for the AstraZeneca sponsored symposia presentations.

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